(lisppad location)
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Library (lisppad location)
implements procedures for geocoding and reverse geocoding and provides representations of locations (latitude, longitude, altitude) and places (structured representation of addresses).
A location consists of a latitude, a longitude, and an optional altitude. Locations are represented as lists of two or three flonum values.
(location? obj)
Returns #t
if the given expression obj is a valid location; returns #f
(location latitude longitude) (location latitude longitude altitude)
Creates a location for the given latitude, longitude, and altitude. This procedure fails with an error if any of the provided arguments are not flonum values.
Returns the current device location. If a device location can't be determined, the procedure returns #f
. The procedure also returns #f
if the user did not authorize the device to reveal the location to LispPad.
(location-latitude loc)
Returns the latitude of location loc.
(location-longitude loc)
Returns the longitude of location loc.
(location-altitude loc)
Returns the altitude of location loc. Since altitudes are optional, procedure location-altitude
returns #f
if the altitude is undefined.
(location-distance loc1 loc2)
Returns the distance between location loc1 and location loc2 in meters.
A place is a structured representation describing a place on Earth. Its main components are address components, but a place might also provide meta-information such as the timezone of the place or the ISO country code. Library (lispkit date-time)
provides more functionality to deal with such meta-data. Places are represented as lists of one to ten strings in the following order:
ISO country code
Region (a part of the country; e.g. State, Bundesland, Kanton, etc.)
Administrational region (a part of the region; e.g. County, Landkreis, etc.)
Postal code
Locality (a part of the city; e.g. District, Stadtteil, etc.)
Street number
Time zone
Note that all components are optional. An optional component is represented as #f
Returns #t
if the given expression obj is a valid place; returns #f
Returns a location for the given components of a place. Each component is either #f
(= undefined) or a string.
Returns the country code for place pl as a string or #f
if the country code is undefined.
Returns the country for place pl as a string or #f
if the country is undefined.
Returns the region for place pl as a string or #f
if the region is undefined.
Returns the administrational region for place pl as a string or #f
if the administrational region is undefined.
Returns the postal code for place pl as a string or #f
if the postal code is undefined.
Returns the city for place pl as a string or #f
if the city is undefined.
Returns the locality for place pl as a string or #f
if the locality is undefined.
Returns the street for place pl as a string or #f
if the street is undefined.
Returns the street number for place pl as a string or #f
if the street number is undefined.
Returns the timezone for place pl as a string or #f
if the timezone is undefined.
Returns a list of locations for the given place or address. obj is either a valid place representation or it is an address string. locale is a symbol representing a locale, which is used to interpret the given place or address. geocode
signals an error if the geocoding operation fails (e.g. if there is no network access).
Returns a list of places for the given location. loc is a valid location. lat and long describe latitude and longitude as flonums directly. locale is a symbol representing a locale. It is used for the place representations returned by reverse-geocode
Formats a place as an address. For this operation to succeed, it is important that the country code of the place pl is set as it is used to determine the address format.
Parses the given address string str into a place (or potentially multiple possible places) and returns this as a list of places. locale is a symbol representing a locale. It is used for the place representations returned by address->place
(place? obj)
(place code) (place code country) (place code country region) (place code country region admin) (place code country region admin zip) (place code country region admin zip city) (place code country region admin zip city locality) (place code country region admin zip city locality street) (place code country region admin zip city locality street nr) (place code country region admin zip city locality street nr tz)
(place-country-code pl)
(place-country pl)
(place-region pl)
(place-admin pl)
(place-postal-code pl)
(place-city pl)
(place-locality pl)
(place-street pl)
(place-street-number pl)
(place-timezone pl)
(geocode obj) (geocode obj locale)
(reverse-geocode loc) (reverse-geocode loc locale) (reverse-geocode lat long) (reverse-geocode lat long locale)
(place->address pl)
(address->place str) (address->place str locale)