
This page summarizes all available downloads, including links to where source code can be found.


LispKit is the Scheme interpreter used by LispPad. The source code of LispKit and the included libraries has been published at GitHub and can be downloaded from there. Example code and the sources of the included libraries can be found here.


The latest LispPad release can always be downloaded from the Mac App Store. Alternatively, this website keeps an archive of all releases with links to the corresponding notarized versions of the binaries. The latest binary is available for download here.

LispPad Go

LispPad Go releases are exclusively published via the iOS App Store. The source code of the application comes with an open source license and is available for download at GitHub. LispPad Go-specific example code can be found here.

Reference Manuals

A library reference manual for LispPad can be downloaded as a PDF file.

A specification of the R7RS standard of Scheme can be downloaded here.

Last updated